What Is Involved With Taking Care of Dental Implants?
The home care recommended varies depending upon the type of implant supported replacement teeth. For example, a single implant supported crown is cleaned like a natural tooth, with regular brushing and flossing. Implant supported bridges that replace a few teeth are cleaned like tooth supported bridges, brushing and flossing with a floss threader.
Home care is a little more complicated for people who are missing all of their teeth, in that special brushes and floss are often recommended. With overdentures, it is necessary to clean the implant attachments, as well as the overdenture itself. Permanently fixed implant supported replacement teeth are cleaned like all other bridges.
Although dental implants are not susceptible to decay, in all cases, it is recommended that patients see their dentist on a regular basis. These visits, combined with proper home care, are essential to the long-term success of implant treatment.